Welcome to my Menopause & Well-being Training

My corporate workshops provide a suite of wellbeing and health courses for male and female employees and management that will bring improved mental and physical health, increased productivity, reduced absenteeism, improved employee retention and a better workplace culture.

Trainings can be delivered online or in person.

Corporate Training Syllabus

You'll find the entire training syllabus in this PDF.

Click to Download

Menopause & Lifestyle Courses

Discover our Menopause & Lifestyle Courses in this PDF.

Click to Download

Menopause Training for Business Teams
Boost Performance, Retention, and Team Wellbeing

A quick 10-minute course to help your team understand and support menopause in the workplace.
  • Use on its own or alongside other Vitality Plus wellbeing sessions.
  • Ideal for raising awareness or refreshing knowledge.
  • Easily integrate into your learning system, there are bulk discounts available.
  • Buy for just £2.50 via the Upskill People store, includes everything you need to manage your learners.
Watch the video and learn more now

The benefits for you and your business

Well-being training in the workplace can have a number of benefits for both employees and employers:

  • Improved mental and physical health: Well-being training can teach employees how to manage stress, improve their physical health, and develop healthy habits that can lead to improved overall well-being.

  • Increased productivity: When employees are healthy and happy, they are more likely to be engaged and motivated in their work, which can lead to increased productivity.

  • Reduced absenteeism and presenteeism: When employees take care of their well-being, they are less likely to take time off work due to illness or burnout. Additionally, they are more likely to be fully present and engaged when they are at work.

  • Improved employee retention: When employees feel that their well-being is valued by their employer, they are more likely to be satisfied with their job and stay with the company long-term.

  • Improved workplace culture: Well-being training can help create a culture in which employees feel valued and supported, which can lead to improved morale and a more positive work environment.

Contact Trudi to find out more...

Ready to find out how we can help your business?

Email Trudi at [email protected] or fill in the form at the foot of this page.

Meet the Presenters

Trudi Roscouet

Trudi is the founder of Vitality40Plus and specialises in female health, fitness and wellness. She is a qualified adult trainer as well as a well-being coach and now presents menopause educational workshops in different jurisdictions.

Louise Dennison O’Shaughnessy

Founder and principal of the Dennison Training Academy, Louise is a qualified advanced mental health instructor and registered EMT who has significant experience working with individuals and companies to change beliefs and behaviours about mental health and well-being in the workplace.

Catherine Dennison

Catherine is a director of the Dennison Training Academy and has a diploma in applied psychology as well as being a qualified mental health and first aid instructor. Her passion is helping others develop their mental health and skills to facilitate mental fitness.

Dr. Ed Rainbow

Dr Ed is an experienced UK based GP and certified Lifestyle Medicine Practitioner, whose passion is to improve men’s physical and mental health. Recognising the issues around men seeking help, and the need for a different approach, he has created a series of educational courses for the workplace.

Ready to find out how we can help your business?

Email Trudi at [email protected] or fill in the form below.

What real people are saying about our training

Kirby Taylor | Head of HR
Sovereign Group

I attended your Menopause and Wellness presentation a little while ago at Sovereign, may I say I thoroughly enjoyed (is that the right word) the session and it certainly got the point across.
Having gone through the menopause with my wife a few years ago whereby she could be the wicked witch of the west and east all on the same day (she could probably say the same thing about me), I wish I had been able to attend an awareness presentation and had the knowledge that you shared as I got pretty close to jumping on a plane back to the UK at one point.  I would advise everyone to attend.
I hope that I have expressed myself in the right way and as a ‘bloke’ thank you.

Find out more about Understanding Menopause at Work

If you'd like to find out more about helping helping your employees and reducing sick days due to menopausal issues, please get in touch to see how I can help.

Why Menopause Matters

Do you know:

❤️ 99% of women felt their perimenopausal or menopausal symptoms led to a negative impact on their careers

❤️ 59% took time off work due to symptoms and 18% were off for more than eight weeks

❤️ 60% said their workplace offered no menopause support.

Source: Dr Louise Newson

Calling all Directors & HR Managers

Do you know:

❤️ 99% of women felt their perimenopausal or menopausal symptoms led to a negative impact on their careers

❤️ 59% took time off work due to symptoms and 18% were off for more than eight weeks

❤️ 60% said their workplace offered no menopause support.

Source: Dr Louise Newson

Click Play to discover how YOU can take the lead on understanding menopause in YOUR workplace:


"Every woman is entitled to lead a confident and fulfilled life during and after the Menopause" 

I'm Trudi and I've made it my mission to become a menopause ambassador, helping educate and empower men and women to become more aware of the Menopause and it's impact on our lives.

This is the beginning...